Results for 'Robert Alexander Aytoun'

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  1. God in the Old Testament.Robert Alexander Aytoun - 1923 - New York,: George H. Doran Company. Edited by H. G. Wood.
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  2. The Reformed Doctrine of Adoption.Robert Alexander Webb - 1947
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    Anti-haecceitism and indiscernibility.Alexander Roberts - 2023 - Analysis 84 (1):94-105.
    It is often presumed that anti-haecceitists are not committed to the identity of indiscernibles. However, I argue that anti-haecceitism implies a particularly strong thesis about when individuals are indiscernible which motivates the identity of indiscernibles. The argument is first sketched intuitively and then formalized in a system of higher-order modal logic.
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    The crowning phase of the critical philosophy: a study in Kant's Critique of judgment.Robert Alexander Cameron Macmillan - 1912 - New York: Garland.
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    Modal Expansionism.Alexander Roberts - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (6):1145-1170.
    There are various well-known paradoxes of modal recombination. This paper offers a solution to a variety of such paradoxes in the form of a new conception of metaphysical modality. On the proposed conception, metaphysical modality exhibits a type of indefinite extensibility. Indeed, for any objective modality there will always be some further, broader objective modality; in other terms, modal space will always be open to expansion.
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  6. 102 Carolyn Gratton.Robert Alexander Brady, Theodore Brameld, Stanley Elara, William W. Brickman, Charles K. Brightbell, Yale Brozen, Walter S. Buckingham, Ralph W. Burhoe, Roger Caillois & Marjorie L. Casebier - 1967 - Humanitas 92:101.
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  7. Is identity non‐contingent?Alexander Roberts - 2021 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 106 (1):3-34.
    I present a novel argument against the non-contingency of identity. I first argue that the necessity of distinctness is intimately connected with numerous paradoxes of recombination. In particular, I argue that those who reject the necessity of distinctness have natural solutions to various paradoxes of recombination which have plagued the metaphysics of modality. Moreover, I argue that adding the necessity of distinctness to modest, paradox-free assumptions is sufficient to reinstate the paradoxes. Given that identity is non-contingent only if distinctness is (...)
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    From Physical to Metaphysical Necessity.Alexander Roberts - 2021 - Mind 131 (524):1216-1246.
    Let Nomological Bound be the thesis that there is nothing objectively possible beyond what is physically possible. Nomological Bound has struck many as a live hypothesis. Nevertheless, in this article I provide a novel argument against it. Yet even though I claim that Nomological Bound is false, I argue that the boundaries of objective possibility can still be characterized intimately in terms of physical necessity. This is philosophically significant, for on a natural understanding it constitutes the powerful anti-sceptical result that (...)
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    Relative Necessity and Propositional Quantification.Alexander Roberts - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 49 (4):703-726.
    Following Smiley’s influential proposal, it has become standard practice to characterise notions of relative necessity in terms of simple strict conditionals. However, Humberstone and others have highlighted various flaws with Smiley’s now standard account of relative necessity. In their recent article, Hale and Leech propose a novel account of relative necessity designed to overcome the problems facing the standard account. Nevertheless, the current article argues that Hale & Leech’s account suffers from its own defects, some of which Hale & Leech (...)
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    Necessity in the Highest Degree.Alexander Roberts - 2025 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 54 (1):51-97.
    In the metaphysics of modality, one finds a distinction between two families of modalities: the so-called ‘objective’, ‘real’ or ‘circumstantial’ modalities and the ‘non-objective’, ‘non-real’ or ‘non-circumstantial’ modalities. The guiding thought is that in some intuitive sense the former modalities pertain to contingency in worldly circumstance—how things could have genuinely otherwise been—whereas the latter do not. Moreover the distinction has acquired importance through attempts to elucidate the modality of metaphysical necessity by assigning it a distinctive role within the objective modalities. (...)
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    Necessity in the Highest Degree.Alexander Roberts - 2025 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 54 (1):51-97.
    In the metaphysics of modality, one finds a distinction between two families of modalities: the so-called ‘objective’, ‘real’ or ‘circumstantial’ modalities and the ‘non-objective’, ‘non-real’ or ‘non-circumstantial’ modalities. The guiding thought is that in some intuitive sense the former modalities pertain to contingency in worldly circumstance—how things could have genuinely otherwise been—whereas the latter do not. Moreover the distinction has acquired importance through attempts to elucidate the modality of metaphysical necessity by assigning it a distinctive role within the objective modalities. (...)
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  12. A new challenge for contingentists.Alexander Roberts - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (8):2457-2484.
    Contingentism is the view that it is contingent which things exist. Despite its plausibility, advocates of contingentism face a well-known ‘challenge’ to demonstrate that they can draw what appear to be intelligible modal distinctions (Williamson Modal Logic as Metaphysics. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013). In this article, I argue that if certain controversial modal principles fail, the challenge contingentists face becomes much more difficult. Whereas extant challenges concern contingentists’ inability to draw quite theoretical second-order modal distinctions, I present a challenge (...)
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    Spinoza's political and ethical philosophy.Robert Alexander Duff - 1903 - New York,: A. M. Kelley.
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    Graduate Paper from the 2018 Joint Session.Alexander Roberts - forthcoming - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society.
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    Imprecise Quantification.Alexander Roberts - 2019 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 119 (3):357-367.
    Following David Lewis, Ted Sider has famously argued that unrestricted first-order quantification cannot be vague. His argument was intended as a type of reductio: its strategy was to show that the mere hypothesis of unrestricted quantifier vagueness collapses into the claim that unrestricted quantification is precise. However, this short article considers two natural reconstructions of the argument, and shows that each can be resisted. The theme will be that each reconstruction of the argument involves assumptions which advocates of vague quantification (...)
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    Two morals about a modal paradox.Alexander Roberts - 2020 - Synthese 198 (10):9873-9896.
    Chisholm’s paradox serves as an important constraint on our modal theorising. For example, one lesson of the paradox is that widely accepted essentialist theses appear incompatible with metaphysical necessity obeying a logic that includes S4. However, this article cautions against treating Chisholm’s paradox in isolation, as a single line of reasoning. To this end, the article outlines two crucial morals about Chisholm’s paradox which situate the paradox within a broad family of paradoxes. Each moral places significant constraints on the paradox’s (...)
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    I.—s. Velorum / II.—light curve of S. vclorum / III.—Graphical datermining the orbit of an algol variable.Alexander William Roberts - 1895 - Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 9 (1):23-30.
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  18. The Journals of Kierkegaard, 1834-54.Alexander Dru & Robert Payne - 1939 - Philosophy 14 (55):357-359.
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    The elements of logic.Robert Latta & Alexander Macbeath - 1929 - London: Macmillan & co.. Edited by Alexander Macbeath.
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    Preferred patterns of motor and verbal responses.Robert S. Lincoln & Lawrence T. Alexander - 1955 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 50 (2):106.
  21. The Tarasoff Duty to Protect : Unintended Consequences and New Liability Concerns.Alexander C. Sones, William C. Darby & Robert Weinstock - 2025 - In William Connor Darby & Robert Weinstock, Forensic neuropsychiatric ethics: balancing competing duties in and out of court. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association Publishing.
  22.  39
    Recurrent Noncoding Mutations in Skin Cancers: UV Damage Susceptibility or Repair Inhibition as Primary Driver?Steven A. Roberts, Alexander J. Brown & John J. Wyrick - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (3):1800152.
    Somatic mutations arising in human skin cancers are heterogeneously distributed across the genome, meaning that certain genomic regions (e.g., heterochromatin or transcription factor binding sites) have much higher mutation densities than others. Regional variations in mutation rates are typically not a consequence of selection, as the vast majority of somatic mutations in skin cancers are passenger mutations that do not promote cell growth or transformation. Instead, variations in DNA repair activity, due to chromatin organization and transcription factor binding, have been (...)
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    Critical periods after stroke study: translating animal stroke recovery experiments into a clinical trial.Alexander W. Dromerick, Matthew A. Edwardson, Dorothy F. Edwards, Margot L. Giannetti, Jessica Barth, Kathaleen P. Brady, Evan Chan, Ming T. Tan, Irfan Tamboli, Ruth Chia, Michael Orquiza, Robert M. Padilla, Amrita K. Cheema, Mark E. Mapstone, Massimo S. Fiandaca, Howard J. Federoff & Elissa L. Newport - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Metaethics and value neutrality in science.Robert E. Alexander - 1974 - Philosophical Studies 25 (6):391 - 401.
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    Phénoménologie de l'espace-temps chez Marc Richir.Robert Alexander - 2013 - Grenoble: Jérôme Millon.
    Cet ouvrage est consacré à la refondation richirienne de la phénoménologie, à partir du traitement de la question de l'espace/temps phénoménologique archaïque. Par le biais de l'analyse de cette interrogation spatio-temporelle spécifique et de la pertinence qu'elle développe, l'objectif est double : d'une part, arriver à dégager un lieu de compréhensibilité, inédit, commun aux multiples enjeux les plus fondamentaux de la refonte et de la refondation de la phénoménologie transcendantale entreprises par Richir et, d'autre part, dans la foulée, permettre par (...)
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  26. On Time and Imagination. Part 2.Robert Kilwardby & Alexander Broadie - 1995 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 57 (4):776-776.
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  27. Le Temps Et L'espace.Robert Alexander - 1992
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    The case against using biological indicators in judicial decision making.Robert L. Bonn & Alexander B. Smith - 1988 - Criminal Justice Ethics 7 (1):3-10.
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  29. 1. Front Matter Front Matter (pp. i-ii).Thomas M. Alexander, Robert Cummings Neville, Raymond D. Boisvert, Jacquelyn Anne K. Kegley & Kelly Dean Jolley - 2010 - The Pluralist 5 (2).
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  30. Skepticism and the principle of sufficient reason.Robert C. Koons & Alexander R. Pruss - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (4):1079-1099.
    The Principle of Sufficient Reason must be justified dialectically: by showing the disastrous consequences of denying it. We formulate a version of the Principle that is restricted to basic natural facts, which entails the obtaining of at least one supernatural fact. Denying this principle results in extreme empirical skepticism. We consider six current theories of empirical knowledge, showing that on each account we cannot know that we have empirical knowledge unless we all have a priori knowledge of the PSR. We (...)
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  31. Ron Amundson J. Christopher Maloney.Robert Arr1ngton, Gareth Matthews, William Bechtel, Joseph C. Pitt, Jonathan Bennett, Ut Place, Alan Berger, Jond Ringen, Richard Creel & Alexander Rosenberg - 1989 - Behaviorism 17:85.
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    Immediate and delayed outcomes: Learning and the recall of responses.Alexander M. Buchwald & Robert B. Meagher - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (4):758.
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    Phénoménologie ‘femmetastique’ chez Paul Valéry dans sa petite lettre sur les mythes.Robert Alexander - 2015 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 63:37-46.
    Par une analyse philosophique inédite, incluant des accents psychanalytique et esthétique, de la Petite Lettre sur les Mythes de Paul Valéry, nous montrons à l’œuvre comment une dimension proprement phantastique mouvante, loin de l’imagination avec ses images fixées, s’y décline jusqu’à développer une épopée phénoménologique ‘femmetastique’ entre amants épistoliers. Phénoménologie où nous entrons dans un véritable lieu mythique, voire fabuleux, d’une profusion transitionnelle et virtuelle inouïe, propice à l’inédit, à l’imprévu et, donc, à la création. On comprend mieux alors ce (...)
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    Handbuch Christian Wolff.Robert Theis & Alexander Aichele (eds.) - 2017 - Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Mit diesem Buch wird erstmals ein umfassendes und systematisches Referenzwerk zu Christian Wolff vorgelegt, das alle wichtigen Aspekte zu Leben und Werk des Philosophen behandelt. Das Handbuch ist von international renommierten Experten verfasst und behandelt neben der Biographie und der philosophiegeschichtlichen Rolle Wolffs sowohl sein philosophisches als auch sein naturwissenschaftlich-mathematisches Werk.
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    Family members, ambulance clinicians and attempting CPR in the community: the ethical and legal imperative to reach collaborative consensus at speed.Robert Cole, Mike Stone, Alexander Ruck Keene & Zoe Fritz - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (10):650-653.
    Here we present the personal perspectives of two authors on the important and unfortunately frequent scenario of ambulance clinicians facing a deceased individual and family members who do not wish them to attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation. We examine the professional guidance and the protection provided to clinicians, which is not matched by guidance to protect family members. We look at the legal framework in which these scenarios are taking place, and the ethical issues which are presented. We consider the interaction between (...)
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    Quantifying the complexity of flow networks: How many roles are there?Alexander C. Zorach & Robert E. Ulanowicz - 2003 - Complexity 8 (3):68-76.
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    Strictures on an Exhibition.Alexander Robert Yates - 2021 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 9 (11).
    In Grundgesetze der Arithmetik, Frege tried to show that arithmetic is logical by giving gap-free proofs from what he took to be purely logical basic laws. But how do we come to judge these laws as true, and to recognize them as logical? The answer must involve giving an account of the apparent arguments Frege provides for his axioms. Following Sanford Shieh, I take these apparent arguments to instead be exhibitions: the exercise of a logical capacity in order to bring (...)
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    When the Poorest Are Neglected – A Vignette Experiment on Need-Based Distributive Justice.Alexander Max Bauer, Adele Diederich, Stefan Traub & Arne Robert Weiss - manuscript
    We examine the role of need satisfaction in non-comparative justice ratings about endowments with goods. As normative approaches, we discuss utilitarianism, prioritarianism, and sufficientarianism. Using a vignette experiment, we show that a need context increases the prevalence of prioritarianistic and sufficientarianistic justice ratings, which leads to an ethically problematic sigmoid shape of the justice evaluation function.
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    The Mnemonic Consequences of Jurors’ Selective Retrieval During Deliberation.Alexander C. V. Jay, Charles B. Stone, Robert Meksin, Clinton Merck, Natalie S. Gordon & William Hirst - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (4):627-643.
    In this empirical paper, Jay, Stone, Meksin, Merck, Gordon and Hirst examine whether jury deliberations, in which individuals collaboratively recall and discuss evidence of a trial, shape the jurors’ memories. In doing so, Jay and colleagues provide a highly ecologically valid baseline for future investigation into why, how and when selective recall either facilitates remembering or leads to forgetting during jury deliberations. In particular, Jay et al. explore the specific social and cognitive mechanisms that might lead to either memory facilitation (...)
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  40. Stillbirths: Economic and Psychosocial Consequences.Alexander E. P. Heazell, Dimitros Siassakos, Hannah Blencowe, Zulfiqar A. Bhutta, Joanne Cacciatore, Nghia Dang, Jai Das, Bicki Flenady, Katherine J. Gold, Olivia K. Mensah, Joseph Millum, Daniel Nuzum, Keelin O'Donoghue, Maggie Redshaw, Arjumand Rizvi, Tracy Roberts, Toyin Saraki, Claire Storey, Aleena M. Wojcieszek & Soo Downe - 2016 - The Lancet 387 (10018):604-16.
    Despite the frequency of stillbirths, the subsequent implications are overlooked and underappreciated. We present findings from comprehensive, systematic literature reviews, and new analyses of published and unpublished data, to establish the effect of stillbirth on parents, families, health-care providers, and societies worldwide. Data for direct costs of this event are sparse but suggest that a stillbirth needs more resources than a livebirth, both in the perinatal period and in additional surveillance during subsequent pregnancies. Indirect and intangible costs of stillbirth are (...)
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    Association of American geographers' statement on professional ethics Endorsed by the Council of the Association of American Geographers, 18 October 1998, this statement was first published in the March 1999 Newsletter of the Association of American Geographers, 34 (3), 31–35, and is reproduced here by kind permission of the Association. Single copies of this statement are available free of charge from the Association of American Geographers office. View all notes. [REVIEW]Alexander Murphy, William Crowley, William Lynn, Judith Meyer, Susan Roberts, Lynn Staeheli & Gregory Veeck - 1999 - Philosophy and Geography 2 (2).
  42. Possible Worlds: What They Are Good for and What They Are.Alexander Robert Pruss - 2001 - Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh
    This thesis examines the alethic modal concepts of possibility and necessity. It is argued that one cannot do justice to all our modal talk without possible worlds, i.e., complete ways that a cosmos might have been. I argue that not all of the proposed applications of possible worlds succeed but enough remain to give one good theoretical reason to posit them. The two central problems now are: What feature of reality makes correct alethic modal claims true and What are possible (...)
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  43. CHAPTER| T» WAR» AN INTEGRATE* THEORY «F PERSONALITY 1 By Wsje Bronfenbrenner, Pfe9.Robert Dalton, Harold Feldman, Mary Ford, Doris Kells, Alexander Leighton, Dorothea Leighton, Robert MacLeod & Robin Williams - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co.
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    L'espace, les phénomènes, l'existence: de l'architectonique phénoménologique à l'architecture.Guy van Kerckhoven & Robert Alexander (eds.) - 2017 - Louvain: Peeters.
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    S100 protein and down syndrome.Alexander Marks & Robert Allore - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (8):381-383.
    S100 protein is a low molecular weight calcium‐binding protein widely distributed in the central nervous system of vertebrates. Recent evidence suggests that S100 protein may play a role in the regulation of glial proliferation and neuronal differentiation. The gene for S100 protein has been mapped to the 21q22 region, a chromosomal locus whose duplication has been implicated in the generation of Down Syndrome (DS). This raises the possibility that abnormalities in S100 protein gene dosage at a critical period during development (...)
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    Leg strength as a function of exposure to visual stimuli of different hues.Robert J. Pellegrini, Alexander G. Schauss & Thomas J. Birk - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 16 (2):111-112.
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    Grip strength and exposure to hue differences in visual stimuli: Is postural status a factor?Robert J. Pellegrini, Alexander G. Schauss, T. J. Kerr & Bart K. Ah You - 1981 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 17 (1):27-28.
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    Compulsory treatment of physical illness under MHA 1983.Robert Wheeler & Alexander Ruck Keene - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (11):821-824.
    Taken together, Sections 145 and 63 of the Mental Health Act 1983 provide for treatment without consent of physical illness ancillary to the mental disorder with which a patient presents. On a daily basis, clinicians make both the decision that the Act’s authority can be applied to their patient’s case, and that it should be applied. But in the unusual circumstances where there is uncertainty as to the applicability of the MHA to the ancillary treatment of physical illness, the assistance (...)
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    Effects of segmentation and expectancy on matching time for words and nonwords.Robert M. Schindler, Arnold D. Well & Alexander Pollatsek - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (1):107.
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    Incidental moods, source likeability, and persuasion: Liking motivates message elaboration in happy people.Robert C. Sinclair, Sean E. Moore, Melvin M. Mark, Alexander S. Soldat & Carrie A. Lavis - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (6):940-961.
    Happy people often fail to elaborate on persuasive arguments, while people in sad moods tend to scrutinise messages in greater detail. According to some motivational accounts, however, happy people will elaborate a message if they believe it might maintain their positive mood. The present research extends this reasoning by demonstrating that happy people will elaborate arguments from message presenters that convey positive hedonic attributes (i.e., source likeability). In a pilot study, we show that happy people believe persuasive messages from a (...)
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